Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back Burning

It's that time of the year...

Back Burning has begun. The forests need to be cleansed of underbrush - so they (fire departments?) start the process by walking through the overgrown brush and light the dried leaves and brush on fire.

There is never any warning - and they always seem to start them right after I hang the laundry out to dry. I can't tell you how many loads of cloths have had that nice "Campfire" smell added after the fact. It makes me wonder if that can be marketed into a fabric softener? Naw, I didn't think so...

Seriously, the smoke can get bad at times depending on which way the wind is blowing. These are free burns too... they aren't monitored and they just let them run their coarse. Several have lasted for weeks and the smoke will engulf us for 3-4 days at a time.

Last week I had to go see what it was all about. I drove over to the local burn (about 5 minutes away) parked the car on the side of the road and wandered into the forest. Keep in mind, these aren't raging wild fires - just smoldering forest debris where the fire crawls along at a snails pace.

(Click the photo for higher resolution)

I guess I was expecting to see more. I had these visions of blackened earth with that silent stillness about it. However, it was quite the opposite. Cockatoos were squawking, Kookaburra's were laughing and the large trees smiled and mocked the fire that was tickling their bark. Just another seasonal burn to the creatures that live here - and just another day...

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