Bandwidth - You've gotta have it. This photo wouldn't be on the blog without it. Pretty little thing, isn't she?
Lorikeets are all over the place. She flew down while I was hanging out the laundry.
(Click photos for higher resolution)
Bandwidth, again... - It's something that is totally taken for granted in the USA. You pay for
internet broadband and it's there. It's unlimited and always on with the click of a mouse. Simple enough, right?
Here in Australia, it's a tad bit different. You pay for it by the GB (Gigabyte). What does that mean you ask? Well, instead of having unlimited access, your connection is monitored and regulated by the amount you use. Our initial plan gave us 15GB a month which under normal circumstances should be adequate. But since I work from home and download some insanely large files to FTP sites, our bandwidth has always just been hovering at our limit. One month (April I think) we ran out with one day to go and our connection slowed down to dial up speed. Something like 9600 baud... that was tough.
Last month however was a shock - on the 14
th, we effectively came to a stand still. I called our provider and they confirmed we had "run out" and were at dial up speed. So I upped our plan to 30GB per month - effectively adding another 15GB for the remainder of the month. Cool.
On the 26
th we ran out again! OK, something was up... but what? I called the provider and asked for some detail on usage. All of the heavy usage was happening in the middle of the night - via some sort of file sharing software, even though our computers are powered off then. Come to find out, some hacker had been tapping our broadband. I'm not sure of the mechanics of it yet, but if you do streaming or file sharing your broadband modem can stay open even if the
PC's are off. Weird... I can see why "stealing" broadband is done here. $100 a month for 30
GB's is a lot of cash just for
internet access.
We now turn off our modem at night - I even power it off randomly during the day.
Last Sunday we took a trip to into the city. On Sunday's you can purchase unlimited travel passes for trains and ferries. The best part - it was only $7.50 for all three of us. With passes in hand, we caught the train at Gordon station and cruised into the city. We got off at
Milson's Point and then took the ferry over to Darling Harbor. I took this picture from the ferry as another was leaving. Typical of the scenery - I love the colors in this photo.
After we spent the day in Darling Harbor, we caught the train at
Wynyard Station and headed back to Gordon. I travel in and out of Gordon Station quite often and I always mean to take a photo of this plaque (See below). However, I never have a camera with me. This day was different, so here it is.
It is a memorial to all of the men from Gordon who served in the Great War - WW1. Names with small crosses next to them are the men killed in action. It's a very humbling thing to see... What I find amazing is that these monuments are all over. Truly, in every small town, all over Australia. They are well taken care of and respected. Each time I come across one (where ever I may be) I stop and look to read the names. Finding whole families, six or seven men all with the same last name, Fathers, Sons and Uncles, and all with crosses next to them sends a chill up my spine. It's hard to fathom - all the men of a particular family, gone. What that must of done to the families in these small towns can only be imagined...